OSHA Compliant Safety Training for Long Island General Industry & Agriculture
Workplace & Job-Site Safety Training Long Island
When your employees are properly trained in job relevant safety, it creates a safer work environment that allows employees to readily act when accident strikes. Safety training not only improves job-site safety, but also ensures your business or establishment is always OSHA Compliant.
For over 20 years, Safety-N-Compliance, Inc. has been providing Long Island and the greater New York area with reliable, up-to-date safety training for a variety of General Industry and Agriculture operations. Always be OSHA Compliant with the right Safety Goals & Training. Choose from Fall Prevention and General Safety to Heavy Equipment Safety and Forklift Operation Training!
On-Site, Affordable OSHA Safety Training you can count on
Choose from a variety of Long Island Job-Site and Workplace Safety Training
>Top Safety Programs
Safety-N-Compliance Inc offers a variety of general industry and manufacturing safety training. Let us help you reach OSHA Standards with our affordable & easy to understand instruction.
With active shootings on the rise, many commercial building and business owners are making sure they are prepared. Sign up for our Long Island Active Shooter Safety Training program today!
The most common height related injuries that occur in the workplace have been directly linked to the lack of proper Fall or Accident Prevention Training. Take the first step to a safer job-site!
Lockout/Tagout Safety refers to the procedures and practices used to shut down equipment. Create a safer work environment for your long island operation and be OSHA Compliant.
GHS HazCom Safety Training
Workers handle hundreds of chemicals on a daily basis and when improperly handled, can cause illness or even death. Our GHS HazCom Safety Training Program includes Chemical & Hazard Classification, PPE Requirements, OSHA Regulation Outline & more!
Forklift/Equipment Safety
Want your employees to safely operate a forklift? Sign up for safety field training that provides your employees with basic forklift knowledge to OSHA regulations.

>All Safety Programs
​Accident Prevention Training
Active Shooter Safety Training
Aerial Lift Safety Training
Agricultural Health & Safety Training
Bloodborne Pathogen Safety Training
Cold Stress Training
Confined Space Training
Drug Free Workplace Training
Electrical Safety Training
Environmental Health & Safety Training
**All Safety Training includes Certificate of Completion showing OSHA Compliant Safety Training was completed with SNC Inc.**
​Fall Prevention Training
Fire Safety Training
First Aid Safety Training
Forklift Safety Training
Hazard Training
GHS HazCom Safety Training
Health Training
Hand & Power Tool Safety Training
Hearing Conservation Safety Training
Heat Illness Safety Training
Injury Prevention Training
Ladder Safety Training
Lockout/Tagout Training
OSHA Safety Training
Occupational Safety Training
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Respiratory Safety Training
Workplace Violence Safety Training

Interested in a FREE Safety Consultation or do you want to sign up for a Safety Program?
(516) 690-SAFE (7233)
Give one our Long Island OSHA Safety Specialist a call today or fill out a contact form! Safety Training Programs are Affordable, Quick Sign Up & will always make sure your General Industry or Agriculture Operation is OSHA Compliant.
Do you have a plan?
Employee Health & Safety Specialists (EHS)
Our services are available to prevent injuries while your employees are on the job. Our audit system can give your business a score on how well they would perform if an OSHA inspector were to show up, and our training can help your employees know the risks and OSHA safety standards before they even work on the job. We also work with your company’s management to meet OSHA compliance requirements, as well as develop and implement corporate safety programs.
OSHA regulation 1910.38 requires every business to have an Emergency Action Plan. We can help you create an EAP that would tell everyone what procedure to follow in event of any kind of emergency. Any business with more than 10 employees is required to have an EAP.